Mirror configuration of RmRmRvLmRvRvLmRv

[up to this 3D shape]

  1. Start from I-2 [Nourse] positioned as in the figure and turn it upside-down by rotating 180 degrees about the North-South axis
  2. Open and refold into a 2x1 rectangle of two stacks of four tiles in such a way that the two top tiles (flaps) of the I-2 shape become the two lowest tiles of the top stack of four tiles
  3. grab the two highest tiles of both stacks and turn them 180 degrees to the left obtaining a 2x2 square of stacks of two tiles
  4. grab the two high tiles of the two southern stacks and turn them down by rotating of 180 degrees (resulting in a 3x2 rectangle)
  5. turn the four tiles in the left column 180 degrees and open in the final shape